Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com rockpool in the kitchen

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Dogged planting. Pools of water on track, man and woman out with plastic bucket at dusk, planting up already. Local warbler - spectacled - thinks it's time to sing. Cool is back too - means better sleeping. Clouds heavy with rain. Drop it. House will leak - all houses do here. Never mind.

Granny's resolutions for winter:
1) get into this (blogging) system properly, technologically speaking; put on more photos, add a profile, links, etc, etc.
2) Finish book - climax fast approaching - a dreaded moment: not least it means, shortly, reading the whole thing through. Other people's prose - like other people's food - always tastes much better; fresher.
3) buy chocolate and finish coating over-dried so chewy candied peel...

2 Old comments:

Blogger D said...

Buy the chocolate first. It smooths the way of all things.

10:07 pm  
Blogger granny p said...

What?... another chocoholic? Good.

8:56 am  

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